I've Been A Bad Blogger

I feel bad for neglecting this blog, I always intend to post but then it somehow slips my mind. I will try to update more, and that is a promise.

I can't believe how much Dylan has grown, she is definitely not a baby anymore. She has finally started walking everywhere, we thought it would never happen. She has also been surprising us with the amount of signing that she is doing lately, it's so great to be able to communicate with her even when she can't speak the words yet. We've had a lot of fun this summer with pool trips, many weddings, celebrating our first wedding anniversary, and spending lots of quality family time together. I can't believe that summer is coming to an end and fall is nearing. I am trying not to think of starting my college courses again in two weeks, it is going to make for a stressful fall! I'm also happy to say that my business is really starting to pick up. It is a lot of work, more than I ever could have imagined, but I just love being able to make something I love into a blossoming career.  And on that note, I will leave you with a few newer photos of Dylan.


Champagne Mom said...

Dylan is so cute! I just LOVE the little boots with the jean skirt. And I look forward to more Midwest Chaos in my life ;)

Goodluck with this coming semester! I know you can juggle it all very well. You're a supreme mama!!

Ashley Sisk said...

I had to do a double take - she's gotten so big.

Becca said...

No worries! You're a busy mama! She is such a doll!!! I love all the hair she's got now and the boots! They're killin me! I need a girl!!!

Glinda said...

She is just as gorgeous as ever!