Oh, hi. I'm finally done with school for the semester, hooray, so I'm hoping to be able to update more often now.
Things that have happened in the last few months:
* Sullivan got his first haircut, now has two teeth, self-feeds, is pulling up to stand on everything, and can get into sitting position by himself. I don't know how this is all happening so fast, it seems like he went from newborn to nearly a toddler overnight. He needs to slow down!
* Dylan is day and nighttime potty trained. I seriously thought the day would never come and was on the verge of giving up. It has been soooo much easier not having to change two children's diapers. Her speech is also improving a lot. She went from not being able to say "mom" five months ago, to now saying sentences. It still isn't very clear at times, but definitely on track to being caught up soon.
* My nephew Levi was born and I was able to be there with my sister-in-law through the labor and birth process. Even though it was a very joyful experience, it was also a very difficult one for me. Levi was born on the same day and in the same hospital where Eli was born and passed away. It was very hard being in the same place I was two years ago holding my baby boy as he became an angel. That being said, I am so so glad I was able to be there for my sister-in-law to support her and welcome her beautiful baby boy into the world.
I've been working very hard towards my goal of being healthy and active. I've been logging my food and exercise through My Fitness Pal (screen name lgrins, add me!) and I'm nearly 30lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight. The fall before I became pregnant with Sullivan I was still very depressed from the loss and the process of trying to get pregnant again that I gained quite a bit of weight, and now it feels good to be both emotionally and physically healthy again, I just need to keep going at it.
Your children are so beautiful! A friend of mine is pregnant with her daughter and found out she will probably not live more then a week so I shared with her your blog about Elijah. I remember how much encouragement you gave me when I was faced with losing my own daughter in May 2010. So glad to see you and your family doing well, and to let you know I think of you rlittle guy in heaven often. -Alexa
So glad to see your beautiful family doing well. I was searching the web trying to find your blog on Elijah because you and him gave me a lot of comfort/encouragement when I was facing my loss in May 2010 of my daughter at 26 weeks. My friend is now facing losing her daughter who is not expected to live more then a week after birth. I wanted to share your touching story with her. I am so happy to see your rainbow is doing well! I too have a rainbow baby boy and he is my world. -Alexa
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